We offer a range of services and products to suit your hearing needs and your lifestyle.
Auditory Processing Disorder Evaluations and Therapy
Diagnostic Audiological Assessment & Report
Tinnitus Management Sessions
Fully subsidised audiology assessments, aural rehabilitation appointments, basic/entry-level hearing aids and assistive listening technology for eligible Hearing Service Program clients
Medicare rebates available with GP referrals
Home visit/Mobile Clinics (schools, aged care, residential)
Hearing Aids and Technology
Free Aid Discussion appointment with a recent audiogram (less than 2 years for stable hearing losses)
Hearing Aid Fitting Packages (includes fitting appointment and follow-up appointments) - Starting from $155 for unlimited appointments in the first 12 months post-fittings
Obligation-Free Hearing Aid Trials*
Hearing aid troubleshooting, maintenance and care instructions and demonstrations
Aural Rehabilitation
Contact us to book an appointment
* See terms and conditions for more information
Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) Assessments and Therapy
Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) is a very common condition affecting children and adults. Arches Audiology uses The Buffalo Model and other evidence-based tools to diagnose and treat APD.
We can identify any weaknesses in APD Categories:
Tolerance Fading Memory
Spatial Awareness Processing Disorder
APD Therapy is proven to be effective in remediating auditory difficulties.
If you would like to know if you or your child may benefit from an audiological assessment with the view to discuss APD, please complete the online form below:
Online APD Screening Form - for children
Online APD Screening Form - for adults
Contact us to book an appointment or to discuss your online screening results please get in touch here
Wax Management
Wax Management Clinic
Home Visit Wax Management Clinic
Contact us to book an appointment
Ear Plugs
Noise plugs
Sleep plugs
Swim plugs
Musicians plugs
Customised and non-customised earplugs available.
Contact us to book an appointment
Mobile & Home Visits*
Contact us to arrange a home visit to home, hospital, residential aged care or nursing home
After hours and weekend appointments are available*
*Additional fees apply
Curious to test your hearing but not ready to schedule an appointment? Have your earphones/headphones ready?
Try our free eScreener* today!
* Not a substitute for a diagnostic hearing evaluation