Arches Audiology

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International Women's Day 2025 #MarchForward #AcclerateAction

As the female founder and director of Arches Audiology, I wear many hats. As a woman in her 40’s, I also wear many hats when I’m not working, most of those hats are in caring and nurturing roles that are sometimes undervalued and at times feels like it is ignored by society. There is nothing that I would like to change about the hats that I wear, apart for one thing, and that is I would like to change how those hats are perceived and if I dare to dream, maybe, just maybe share those hats around….


International Womens Day x Lean In Girls are working to encourage young girls to push back on limiting beliefs and stereotypes! I think this is a great way to go about it.

There is a one-hour interactive workshop for girls to learn about and explore what stereotypes are, examine common misconceptions about girls, and practice effective strategies for saying ‘no’ to stereotypes and limiting beliefs. This will be held on 12th of March via zoom - for more information click here.

Lean In Girls is a leadership program that helps girls see themselves as leaders in a world that often tells them they’re not.

As an Auditory Processing Disorder Audiologist and Adult Rehabilitation Audiologist, I strongly believe in identifying barriers and finding solutions so that all children and adults can reach their fullest potential and build sound connections at home, school, work and play time.