Building Sound Connections

Serving the audiological needs of the community.


At Arches Audiology, we care about accessible hearing healthcare, and empowering people and communities.

Our patient-centred care approach and philosophy ensures that your unique communication requirements are carefully considered during assessment and when developing a hearing management plan tailored for you.








Discover sound connections

Having good hearing helps you to live life to its fullest, and the benefits of good hearing makes a world of difference.

We are here to assist you in ways that help strengthen your relationships with the people you care for.


We are here for you

Meet Seray, your local and independent Audiologist.
We have a passion for helping people achieve their hearing and communication goals, and we look forward to being a part of your building sound connections journey.


Wherever you are

Clinics are located in City of Monash suburb of Mulgrave, Churchill in regional Victoria and Sale, land of the Gunaikurnai People.

Telehealth virtual appointments and mobile service to homes, hospitals, workplaces and more are available.


Together we can stay connected to the things we love


Hear the latest from Arches Audiology

The latest news, developments and insights from our team.

New Video Launch Day | World Hearing Awareness Day 2025

Empower yourself to make ear and hearing care a reality for all

It is World Hearing Awareness Day 2025 and it happens to coincide with our new video - check out the video here!

Today, we would like you to think about your ears and your auditory system including your hearing and balance.

To read more about why this day is so important to our Founder, Seray Lim, and other audiologists, please visit Audiology Australia's website: Why is World Hearing Day so important? - Audiology Australia



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